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Although hookah use has been common for hundreds of years and enjoyed by people of all ages, it has recently started to become a youth pastime rein Asia.[85] Hookahs are most popular with college students, and young adults, World health organization may Beryllium underage and thus unable to purchase cigarettes.[86]We carry top brands like Blackcoco

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Instead of copper, brass and low-quality alloys, manufacturers increasingly use stainless steel and aluminium. Silicone rubber compounds are used for hookah hoses instead of leather and wire. New materials make modern hookahs more durable, eliminate odors while smoking and allow washing without risks of corrosion or bacterial decay.This hookah is 2

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In landen in dit Middelpunt Oosten bijvoorbeeld Syrië, Libanon, Jordanië, de Emiraten en Saoedie Arabië is waterpijp roken alang eeuwen een trend. Men rookt daar ook niet slechts in bijzondere waterpijpcafé's, doch in eetgelegenheden en koffie corners. Dit shisha roken kan zijn er volstrekt in een cultuur verweven en dit is een min of meer ons

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